Nothing is worse than trying to return the shine to a neglected, scratched up automobile. It seems that no matter how careful you are, some hologram shows up or swirl marks appear, and you never really get that deep shine you were looking for. Time wasted.
That's why professional detail shops use the BuffPro Buffer. It gets a deep, clean shine in up to half the time of traditional rotary buffers, and it is designed to create a perfect shine - without swirl marks or holograms - every single time. In fact, with the BuffPro, you couldn't produce swirl marks on your car - even if you tried!
The BuffPro polisher is the perfect complement to the home auto shop because it allows you to get the shine you want, comfortably and quickly - leaving more time for you to do the things with your car that you really want to do.
Each BuffPro comes shipped with a How To video that carefully and simply explains how to use it. Don't worry, it's so easy that you'll get a great shine the very first time you pull it out of the box.