Why the BuffPro Polishing Buffer Beats More Traditional Buffers

The BuffPro Buffer is the best polishing buffer on the market because it serves as the only available electrically operated drum style buffer.

But what does that mean? First, let’s address how a traditional rotary design works. This will help showcase the advantages of BuffPro’s innovative method over other buffing systems.

Traditional Buffers
Traditional buffers utilize a rotary design with a gear drive. This means the auger, (the threaded part to which the backing plate attaches), is driven directly off the electric motor. This connection results in a very powerful rotating motion. When used by a novice, the power of a rotary buffer can remove paint in a matter of seconds.

Additionally, there are a few other cons that accompany traditional rotary polishing buffers. These include:

  • Hard to use These buffers are meant for professionals and require both skill and expertise to operate. If you use a rotary buffer and are not experienced in its use, you can easily apply too much pressure and burn right through the painted surface.
  • Time-Consuming and Swirls – If you're looking for like-new results, using a rotary polishing buffer simply means more work. You will have to go over an entire surface at least twice. The first time for removing defects, and a second time to remove any swirls left by the first pass. In fact, traditional rotary buffers can leave swirl marks, even when used carefully.
  • Tiresome and Uncomfortable – Using a rotary buffer requires a lot of upper body and back strength. Consider how fatigued a rotary buffer might leave you… and when you’re tired, costly mistakes may happen.

The BuffPro Buffer Difference: Get Beautiful Results in HALF the Time

Imagine being able to complete a full buff and polish in up to half the time you spend now. Everything about BuffPro has been designed so that professional and amateurs get the best shine with the least time and effort.

The BuffPro Polishing Buffer:

  • Revolutionizes the manner in which surfaces are buffed and polished by changing the powered motion from a rotary rotation with a disc to an axial motion with a drum.
  • Removes swirl marks and RESTORES shine to motor vehicles and other polished surfaces. (It is literally impossible to make swirl marks with BuffPro.)
  • Creates better efficiency for its users by reducing buffing time by up to 50%
  • Minimizes splatters and is easy to use
  • Lowers costs associated with materials (uses less buffing compound and fewer pads) and professional labor (reduces training time)
This is a picture of a Buff pro Buffer and several small containers of the polish used to polish with the buffer

The BuffPro is Loved by Professionals and Amateurs Alike

Many professionals who use the BuffPro get ROI on the machine in only a few weeks. It is easy to train anyone on its use. Furthermore, hourly employees' time to buff is cut in half.

And as for novices and DIYers, they love the BuffPro polishing buffer. Even a complete amateur can do a professional polishing job the very first time.

Auto, RV, Marine, and Aviation detailing professionals and enthusiasts alike will appreciate the quality, craftsmanship, and performance of the BuffPro. See our instructional video here and get your own here today!